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Information on Real Estate Taxes

Real estate taxes are determined by the amount at which the State of Maryland assesses a home's value. The state assessment is not directly comparable with the market value of a home.

The state assesses values of properties on a three year cycle. The state reassessed property values in the community in late 2022 for the 2023 - 2025 tax years, and notified homeowners by mail of the total assessed value (land and building) in January, 2023. If assessments increase, they are phased in over over a three-year period. Actual tax bills are limited to no more than a 10% increase on the real estate portion of the tax bill; county and state fees are also applied and are not limited in how much they can be increased.

In March 2017, the Montgomery County Council passed legislation that provides a 20% tax credit on the real estate tax portion of tax bills for homeowners who are age 65 and who have retired from the United States Armed Forces. More information and an application for the tax credit is here.

Real estate taxes are divided into two payments, one due by September 30, and the other by December 31 for each calendar year. Information on where and how to pay tax bills is on the county's web site. If you have a mortgage company withhold money in escrow to pay taxes, make sure that you send a copy of your tax bill to your mortgage company so they will pay it and, if necessary, adjust your monthly escrow so the right amount of money will be withheld for your tax payments.

Click here for more information about homestead credits from the State of Maryland Department of Assessment and Taxation.

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Webmaster: Rocky Lopes -- Updated: March 19, 2023