Bel Pre Estates Directory
Bel Pre Estates is self-managed. The official mailing address of Bel Pre Estates HOA is:
Bel Pre Estates HOA, Inc.
c/o Dan Ton, President
14310 Big Bear Court
Silver Spring, MD 20906-2463
Mail related to property sales, confirmation of HOA dues payment, contracts, and invoices should be sent to:
Rocky Lopes, Treasurer
14416 Big Bear Court
Silver Spring, MD 20906-2424
Email: bpe at belpreestates dot org
No phone calls please.
Note: The Bel Pre Estates HOA does not have meetings where non-homeowners (such as political candidates, vendors, or real estate agents) can speak. The HOA also does not forward email to homeowners sent to us by third parties, no matter the reason.